API Version Changes

Tenant API 1.8 / Tenant Updates API 1.7 [06/2024]

NOTE: Schema validation is now active against all endpoints to ensure that request and responses conform to the OpenAPI schema definitions.

This update introduces support for T2R or Trouble to Resolve including executing service tests and raising service problems. This includes the following features:

  • Create a service test on an active service
  • Retrieve current service test details including results if available
  • Raise a service problem with a supplier to resolve a potential issue with a service
    • Retrieve current service problem details
    • Amend an inflight service problem
    • Cancel an inflight service problem
    • Receive updates on service problems (KCIs)
    • Accept or reject a service problem resolution

Further details on T2R will be provided in the documentation portal shortly.

The OpenAPI schema entities have been reformatted to support better rendering in the documentation portal and to produce more consistent code when used to generate client libraries.

This release retains backwards support for the previous version and contains no changes to the L2C API other than the entity reformatting mentioned.

Supplier API 1.7 / Supplier Updates API 1.3 [01/2024]

This update introduces full support for Switch, Transfer and Takeover including Unsolicited Cease notifications.

Full details on what has changed and how to migrate are provided here. This should be reviewed alongside other documentation on switching.

This release retains backwards support for the previous version but suppliers should look to migrate to this version to fully support all features in the latest Tenant APIs.

Tenant API 1.7 / Tenant Updates API 1.5 [09/2023]

This update contains a number of minor improvements/additions:

Modify service orders now have greater control over whether to add or delete service characteristics (where supported by supplier). Cease service orders now take an optional collection of service characteristics to allow auxiliary information to be provided to the supplier (where required).

For unsolicited reappoints sent via a KCI, the API can now include the supplier reference for the new appointment (where provided by supplier).

InstallationType can now be returned for all line availability types e.g. where starting an existing line may still require an appointment. The availability API has also been corrected to show that port and status will be returned (required) for existing lines.

This release is backwards compatible with existing integrations and no changes are required for existing suppliers.

Tenant API 1.6 / Tenant Updates API 1.4 [08/2023]

This update introduces support for additional KCI information types. These are set based on a set of rules according to each supplier - the initial support will cover BT Wholesale integrations but will be expanded to other suppliers in the future.

  • RESUMED : The problem causing the delay has been resolved without impact on target date
  • REAPPOINTED : Supplier has re-appointed the order (if not suitable then treat as a REAPPOINT)
  • ADDITIONAL : Supplier has updated the order and flagged that additional information is available
  • WARNING : Supplier has updated the order and flagged a warning
  • COMPLETED : Supplier has completed the order

Supplier notes (initially for BT Wholesale only) has been introduced as additional metadata on KCIs to contain any notes sent from the supplier e.g. engineer notes.

An additional problem code has been added as part of this update (not yet available on the generic supplier API):


This release is backwards compatible with existing integrations and no changes are required for existing suppliers.

Tenant API 1.5 / Tenant Updates API 1.3 [07/2023]

This update introduces additional API entities to enable BT/Openreach orders to be placed via the Fibre Gateway. This includes the following features:

  • New address search API and extended AddressIdentifier entity
  • Support for unsolicited cease (new order type)
  • Handle unsolicited reappoints in KCIs
  • Return copper (SOGEA) line availability/characteristics

Documentation on this portal has been updated to cover these new entities/concepts.

There are some additional problem codes added as part of this update that are not yet available on the generic supplier API:

  • ADDITIONAL_WORK - Additional work has been identified or work is ongoing
  • COST_ISSUE - ECC/TRC band is not sufficient to complete work
  • LINKED _ ORDER _ ISSUE - Provision of a linked order has been delayed
  • PLANNING_ISSUE - An issue or delay preventing the work from starting

This release is backwards compatible with existing integrations and no changes are required for existing suppliers. These changes will be reflected in the supplier API definitions in a future update.

Tenant API 1.4 [06/2023]

This update introduces a new existingLines section under siteInformation in Service Availability. This replaces the previous information under line which is now reserved for new lines only. In addition, the API now supports FTTC/copper lines types alongside full FTTP. An upcoming change will apply equivalent changes to the Supplier API.

Initial Release

  • Tenant API 1.3 / Tenant Updates API 1.2
  • Supplier API 1.6 / Supplier Updates API 1.2

The initial release focuses on the lead to cash provisioning of FTTP for residential end users:

  • Create order process of service ordering:
    • Availability check
    • Appointment check
    • Reserve Appointment
    • Place order for new install
  • Modify and cease service ordering
  • Send and receive order updates (KCIs)
  • Amend and cancel inflight orders