Line Profiles

Line profiles aim to standardise the individual line characteristics specific to suppliers.

e.g. line speeds - there could be the following separate values for 1 supplier or they could be combined into a single value for another.

  • peak upstream
  • peak downstream
  • prioritised upstream
  • prioritised downstream

A supplier may also have other bespoke line attributes that must be sent as part of an order.

Relationship to Service Specifications

When returning service availability, the available service specifications refer to types of service available e.g. FTTP or FTTH - any shaping or speed characteristics of the available service(s) is specified separately as line profile(s). These are generally contractual so the available line profiles will be agreed as part of each tenant-supplier agreement and configured in the gateway catalogue.

Line Profile Catalogue

The available line profiles will depend on the supplier and the tenant-supplier agreement. There may only be a single line profile in some cases.

This catalogue will be available via an API endpoint in a later phase - please contact the Fibre Cafe team for the available profiles.

Placing an Order

When placing an order, the tenant will choose an appropriate service specification from the availability response and a line profile based on the agreement with that supplier. Where possible, the line profiles will be mapped so that the same line profile e.g. 1G upstream/1G downstream can be used for different suppliers.