The Fibre Gateway connects disparate network providers, AltNets and communication service providers via a single unified gateway into the UK fibre ecosystem.
Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are referred to as "tenants" on the gateway - they are ordering services from suppliers. AltNets and Connectivity Providers are referred to as "suppliers" on the gateway - they provide the services that can be ordered by tenants.

The gateway offers secure RESTful APIs for all parties. Tenants access the Tenant API to check service availability for any given location, find and reserve appointments and to place orders. These requests are validated, mapped and forwarded as appropriate to the relevant suppliers with responses from the suppliers received via the Supplier API. The response from the supplier(s) will then be mapped as required and passed to the tenant via the Tenant API. During order fulfilment, order updates (KCIs) are sent from the supplier to the tenant via the gateway.